As a tenant of our mission statement, going into our community and world with the intention of spreading the Good News is something we value deeply here at HPC.
Heres how we do it!
Children's International Sponsorship
Children's International is an organization that connects us to a child in poverty who we support financially and through prayer.
To learn more, contact Bette DeCavelle.
Rocsana's Hope
Rocsana's Hope gives young girls, who grew up as orphans, a place where they can continue to grow and develop into able independent adults that can successfully take care of themselves in their culture and society in Guatemala.
To learn more, contact Bette DeCavelle.
TeachBeyond Missionary Sponsorship
We financially and prayerfully support Elizabeth Viens, a missionary of TeachBeyond, which is an organization with the mission to reach the underprivileged children in the poor neighborhoods with Christian-values education in southeast Asia.
To learn more, contact Bette DeCavelle.
Great Plains Presbytery
We have various missions and areas of our presbytery that we support from our Hispanic Church Plant in Omaha to our Macedonia Project.
To learn more, contact Pastor Laurie Johnston.
Our Daily Bread
If you visit on a Sunday morning, you might notice these little devotional books laying around. We give to this organization in order to provide free devotionals for the taking for our church family!
To learn more, contact Bette DeCavelle.
Gideons International
You may recognize their handheld New Testaments! We give to Gideon's International because they are dedicated to making the Word of God available to everyone and, together with the local church, reaching souls for Christ.
To learn more, contact Bette DeCavelle.
Compass Christian Academy
Hosted at Lighthouse Presbyterian Church, CCA is an Accelerated Christian Education school where Christ-centered teaching is the priority, along with mastery-based learning.
To learn more, contact Pastor Laurie Johnston.
Giving Pantry
Our giving pantry is available outside of our building for all those who need sustenance.
To learn more, contact Renee Avenaim.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a mission of Samaritan's Purse that aims to bring the true meaning of Christmas joy to children around the world.
To learn more, contact Beckye Steele.
Israel Relief
We give to Samaritan’s Purse to offer various forms of relief to the Israeli people following the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks that claimed more than 1,200 lives.
To learn more, contact Bette DeCavelle.
My Father's House
My Father's House is dedicated to programming and advocacy for those who are experiencing homelessness, have a low income, or are struggling and underserved in some way.
To learn more, contact Stan Heth.
Prayers & Squares
Prayers & Squares is a ministry and mission of HPC to make quilts and tie individual strings on them to represent individual prayers for a specific individual who has asked for prayer.
To learn more, contact Leslie Birmingham.
Pastor's Discretionary Fund
Our Pastor's Discretionary Fund goes toward missions that may need additional or emergency financial aid.
To learn more, contact Pastor Laurie Johnston.
Additional Ministry Partnerships
In addition to our missions and general ministries, we have ministries that we share with Lighthouse Presbyterian Church (Paola, KS) in order to create a larger outreach circle and promote greater community.
Revive Women's Ministry
Revive is designed to disciple women of all ages and reach the spiritual, service, support, and social needs of the women in our community. One of the main ways we partner with them is through their annual Women's Conference.
To learn more, visit Revive Women's Ministry.
EnCompass Special Needs Ministry
EnCompass was founded in order to serve families with children with special needs in our community by creating an inclusive environment in which they are able to get their spiritual and practical needs met. Right now, we partner with them by serving in their quarterly respite care event, Anchor Watch.​
To learn more, visit EnCompass Special Needs Ministry.
Compass Christian Academy
As seen above, CCA is a mission of our church to provide private Christ-centered education but is also a partnership with Lighthouse in the sense that the education board is made up of members who are representative of the Hillsdale and Lighthouse congregations.
To learn more, visit Compass Christian Academy.