Hillsdale Presbyterian Church
September 3, 2024
Dear congregants and friends:
It is wonderful to be back from my extended vacation and ready to jump into the activities of the fall. I pray you are well and excited to join our plans for you. Please reach out to me if you need anything. I have prayed for you and look forward to seeing how God is at work in your life.
I am writing to invite you to our Move-Up Sunday this Sunday, September 8, 2024. We will be starting new children’s and adult classes, gifting Bibles to our 2nd graders, starting confirmation class for our youth, and enjoying some good fellowship and food. We pray we will see you there.
We would like to invite our Adult and Youth classes to the Alpha Course. It will be shown in the fellowship hall at 10:45. Alpha is a 12-15 session practical introduction to the Christian faith. It addresses foundational questions while providing guests with an opportunity to explore the meaning of life. The movie will begin at 10:45 am in the fellowship hall with intermittent conversation in small groups. We will be diligent to end at 11:30 am. We believe this course will help you with your relationship with God and others. Some of the movies explore “Who is Jesus?”, “Why Did Jesus Die?”, “How to pray and read the Bible?”, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” Please invite others who may be searching for God in their life.
Tuesday Evenings
We also would like to give you other opportunities for Bible Studies. On Tuesday at 6:00 pm we have two men Bibles studies, and one women’s Bible study. These are ongoing, with the Women’s Bible study starting on Tuesday, Sept. 10th. There will be childcare provided for ages 0 – 5th grade. We are in the process of looking for a nursery care worker for Sunday morning and Tuesday from 6-7:30 pm. If you are interested, please contact Cynthia Schmidt at the church.
We also offer a Women’s Bible study at 9:00 am on Wednesday morning. Women of all ages are invited. That evening we offer Frontier kids (K-5th grade) and Middle School Youth Group. Those activities start at 5:30 pm with dinner and then end at 7:30pm Both of these programs are excellent for your children and youth.
We can’t do any of these ministries without your financial help. This is the season when we need your support the most. A lot of these ministries are led by staff and we want to continue to support them. Please consider giving your gifts this fall to help the ministry of this church as we reach out to our community and the lost.
God bless you,
Pastor Laurie Johnston